The U.S. Division of Justice has introduced the arrest and indictment of Charles O. Parks III, generally known as "CP3O," for allegedly renting giant...
Final week, one of many largest telcos within the Asia Pacific areas was compromised. The attackers scraped buyer information, together with personally identifiable data...
î ‚Apr 13, 2024î „NewsroomCryptocurrency / Regulatory Compliance
A former safety engineer has been sentenced to a few years in jail within the U.S. for fees regarding...
Since we first made KICS (Holding Infrastructure as Code Safe) by Checkmarx accessible in November of 2020, we’ve seen over a million downloads, and the...
A current cyberattack on Hoya Company was carried out by the 'Hunters Worldwide' ransomware operation, which demanded a $10 million ransom for a file...