GPTZero raises $10M to spice up AI detection | IoT Now Information & Stories

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GPTZERO, a platform for AI-generated content material detection and accountable AI adoption, has introduced it has raised US$10 million in Sequence A funding led by Footwork VC with participation from Attain Capital, Uncork, Neo, Alt Capital and the previous CEOs of Reuters and the NYT.

“As we spent time with the GPTZero team, we became more and more excited by what we learned,” mentioned Nikhil Basu Trivedi at Footwork. “Their north star, in building an independent layer to measure and preserve authentic content on the internet, will only grow in importance in the years to come.”

This funding will allow GPTZero to affect the interplay between people and AI, enabling people, not AI firms, to measure and outline the applying of synthetic intelligence on their very own phrases.

GPTZero’s roadmap contains launching and growing:

  • Hallucination detection: A core expertise for making certain the integrity of AI-generated content material
  • AI sources: Determine the coaching information behind LLM outputs to evaluate how reliable they’re and keep away from reproducing copyrighted textual content
  • GPTZero Docs: A brand new editor platform with an embedded AI that information and cites its AI utilization. It contains education-specific performance round limiting and watermarking AI outputs.

“We have been extremely fortunate to support a community of millions in identifying AI,” mentioned Edward Tian, the CEO, “now we are committed to empowering teachers, students, writers, readers and organizations to transparently interact with AI.”

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